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Neck Band Stains On Shirts? Ipswich Dry Cleaners can help!

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Beautifully cleaned and pressed shirts with no neck stains.

What is the Problem?

Stains appear on shirts in the collar fold and neckband area and remain there after laundering or even appear more pronounced after cleaning.

What Does It Look Like?

These stains are most often yellow, tan , rust, or grayish in colour depending on the make-up of the staining chemicals and the colour of the shirt.  They show up in collar areas, mainly in the neckband and fold.  The staining can appear as splotches, streaks, or even rings.

What Caused It?

As a shirt is in use, the neck band and collar fold areas are exposed to perspiration, body oils, colognes, after shaves, hair styling products, medicines, or other skin tretments or lotions, skin tanners, as well as just atmospheric soils,etc.  All of these substances will oxidize over tme and eventually become darker resulting in fabric staining.  This type of staining is not always readily removed by home washing or even normal professional laundering.  Actually, the discoloration in the neck can become more noticeable after cleaning when heat or drying or pressing acclerates the oxidation process of the remaining residue in the fabric.

Can It Be Prevented?

If shirts are washed frequently (after each wearing is suggested) before stain build-up or oxidation occurs, this fresh neck dirt can usually be rinsed out.  Only the shirt owner can prevent permanent stainning by controlling what gets on the shirt and by laundering and dry cleaning at Ipswich Dry Cleaners more frequently.  At Ipswich Dry Cleaners we use only the best soaps and detergents imported from Germany and the best dry cleaning and wet cleaning machines imported from Italy.  Our dry cleaner Walter has over 40 years experience and has owned dry cleaning businesses in Germany, London and Sydney.  Drop into the factory at 255 Brisbane Street Ipswich (opposite Bob Jane T-Marts) or call Wally on (07) 3281 1814 to discuss any problems you may have with your clothing or textiles.

Is There a Remedy for Old Neck Band Stains?

Sometimes, Ipswich dry cleaners can reduce or even completely remove old neck dirt stains with special chemical agents, but there may be a risk to some colours.  Therefore, this type of staining cannot always be safely removed.  Your best bet is to drop your shirts into Ipswich Dry Cleaners on a weekly basis and have them professionaly cleaned and pressed.  If you value your spare time it might be cheaper than you think!

Ipswich Cup….time to get that frock cleaned and pressed.

Clean your dress now! and you can wear it next year....or give it to your BFF to wear next year.

Clean your dress now! and you can wear it next year….or give it to your BFF to wear next year.

Get your dresses and suits cleaned as soon as you can after you’ve worn them.  The longer you leave it the higher the risk that any marks,  be they perspiration, food or drink will oxidise and cause permanent marks that remain on the garment forever………Keep your clothes looking great by putting them away clean!

Keeping Your Clothes Looking Great

What happens to your clothes when you bring them to us?

Who handles them and how do they make them look renewed and refreshed? Your clothes are in the best care when they’re with us! Our professional garment handlers are trained to remove stains, solve problems, press out wrinkles, and make your clothes look the best they can.

The process starts at the counter when you drop off your cleaning. This is the best time to let us know about any stains that may require extra attention, or to identify any other potential problems. That way we can be sure our garment experts will be able to give your clothes any extra care needed.

We identify your garments with a tag system, then sort them by type, fabric content, color, and cleaning method. Some garments may need to be laundered, hand washed, or wetcleaned. Other speciality items such as leathers or furs require special care. Some garments may require some stain removal efforts before we clean them, and others may not. It all depends on each individual piece.

Drycleaning cleans clothing without the use of water, it’s true, but liquids are involved. Drycleaning solvent is the primary cleaning force in the process, using a fluid that cuts through grease and oily stains but does not harm most fabrics. Special drycleaning detergents are added by a controlled system. Precision is of the essence to ensure properly cleaned clothing.

Wetcleaning resembles the home washing process because it uses water as the main cleaning agent, but that’s where the similarities end. Wetcleaning uses highly specialized equipment and detergents to clean clothing, giving them a renewed and refreshed appearance.

After cleaning we check your clothes for any remaining stains that may not have come out in the regular cleaning process. This is called spotting or stain removal. Any lingering stains are removed as best as possible using the appropriate products. These items are then re-cleaned before we give them back to you.

Dressed to Im-Press

Near the end of the production line you’ll find the pressing station. This is where your clothes are pressed and made ready to wear. Pressing is a job that requires an eye for detail, and it’s these details that help you look good when you’re wearing your professionally-cleaned clothes to an important function or for work or play.

Following the pressing process, all of your garments are brought back together and placed in the inspection lineup. This is where we catch things like missing buttons, stains that may need extra work, and any undesired impressions from pressing equipment. Any item that does not pass this quality control inspection is sent back for additional care before being assembled with the rest of your order and bagged.

That’s the process in a nutshell. Thanks for taking the tour! If you have any questions about the clothing care process, feel free to ask a customer service representative or a manager. We love what we do and we’re only too happy to talk about it.